A deliciously dry January

If you're avoiding alcohol this month, fear not. The appetite for low ABV drinks is ever-growing, and we've picked out the strongest contenders.


Picture the scene: a month of festive celebrations has left you tired and low, with a new-found hatred for minced pies and Baileys liquor. You find yourself out on the town, even though you swore you'd spend January either in the gym or eating salad, preferably doing both at the same time. Your dilemma: accept the inevitable and go with the flow by ordering your usual beer or white wine – or risk the wrath of your peers by smugly sipping on a tonic or sparkling water, then going home early.

In reality, such dilemmas are thankfully a thing of the past. As the "low and no" movement continues to grow exponentially, it finds its apex this month in January, as hordes of Christmas survivors look for enjoyable alternatives to alcohol. As smart branding and careful research pays off, consumers are beginning to look at low ABV options as an upgrade, rather than a substitute to the 'real thing' – choosing a non-alcoholic beer at dinner because they want to drive home, or a low-ABV cocktail because they prefer the way it tastes.

Gone are the days in which zero percent beers lacked flavour as well as alcohol. Rob Fink, founder of Big Drop Brewing Co, said that the growth of the craft beer sector over the past decade has helped to make his brand successful after launching in 2016 – now he thinks that growth could be achieved by the low and no market.

“Three years ago we were the only people doing it, but stats show we have a lot of growth,” he explains. The UK’s first independent brewer to focus exclusively on low ABV beer, Big Drop launched in 2017. In the summer of 2018, sales of alcohol-free beer rose 58% compared to the same period in 2017, according to Kantar data, while sales of beer with an ABV below 2.8% have risen 381% since 2017.

To help you through January and beyond, ALHAUS has selected five of the most delicious low and no drinks guaranteed to make virtue taste great. 

1. Pure Brew Non Alcoholic 0.5% by Open Gate Brewery

While most non-alcoholic beers are created by evaporating the alcohol off at the end of the process, Open Gate Brewery is pioneering a new method that focuses on developing more flavour. Their unique fermentation process means their low alcohol beer is made the same way as their other beers, resulting in a naturally brewed ultra-low beer that’s high on flavour.

2. Three Spirit Social Elixir 0%

Created by a team of bartenders and scientists, Three Spirit's Social Elixir was the world’s first vegan-friendly, alcohol-free and gluten-free botanical spirit. The flavour is bittersweet, earthy and spicy, recalling herbal liqueurs like amaro and Benedictine, Coca-Cola, cacao and dark apple.

3. Nine Elms, No. 18 0%

Nine Elms, No.18 is the first in a series of releases from this distillery specially designed to complement food. It takes the juices from four different varieties of berry and botanical infusions from 20 different flowers, herbs and spices, and contains a refreshing acidity alongside a cranberry tartness.

4. Nanny State Pale Ale 0.5% by BrewDog

An iconic drink made by a brewery with an attitude, Nanny State was one of the first 0% beers that drinkers were proud to be seen with. Distinctive branding, a powerhouse of delicious hops and tropical aromas makes this a-full flavoured ale that pairs nicely with food.

5. Sassy Le Vertaux Poire Cider

Gluten-free, 100% natural and made from handpicked pears that were organically grown in Château de Sassy’s orchards, this is one of the lowest calorie alcoholic drinks on the market. Expect crisp pear, Champagne notes, honeyed herbs and a refreshing tang.

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