Tourism in Ireland and beyond: the new normal

by Caitrina Cody

With international travel looking like a rarity for 2020 (and perhaps some of 2021), now is the time for tourism businesses to adjust their marketing strategies to target domestic markets.


As Fáilte Ireland launches their new Safety Charter initiative and tourism businesses across Ireland begin to re-open to domestic tourists, that pivot is all the more crucial. Travel intent has been picking up globally as we enter July, with a notable increase in searches for hotels across Ireland, the UK and the United States in recent weeks.

As a tourism business, how can you leverage Fáilte Ireland's Safety Charter and the growing appetite for 'staycations' to the advantage of your own business? Our checklist will get you started.

  1. Adopt the Fáilte Ireland Safety Charter immediately. As a recognisable symbol with the authority of Fáilte Ireland behind it, the Safety Charter is a visual signal that your business is taking the health of staff and customers seriously. The sooner that you apply the logo to your own website and visuals the better — in this case, it's essential to be an early adopter.

  2. Audit your website. Make sure that all imagery, content and call to actions are targeted towards the domestic market. Make the attractions of your local area and amenities abundantly clear; now more than ever destination marketing should take the lead. 

  3. Review your brand messaging. How are you reassuring guests about your new operational practices and communicating your brand value propositions? At a minimum, tourism businesses should focus on free cancellation messaging and hygiene practices to make it as easy as possible for customers to make their decision in your favour.

  4. Bring humanity to your story-telling. Amidst all the health and safety information, human stories will capture attention. Consider humanising your hotel, restaurant or activity operator bringing the team members that make it work to the forefront with behind-the-scenes stories and imagery.

There's lots to consider as you contemplate the changed landscape for tourism and hospitality that now exists in Ireland. But don’t be overwhelmed. Find out how to apply to the Fáilte Ireland Safety Charter and discover more about the messaging behind the new Make a Break for It campaign. And remember, as a trusted content partner for Fáilte Ireland, at ALHAUS we excel in helping to craft the stories that will truly engage with tourism audiences and bring new messages to life. So if you’re struggling and would like guidance or advice, feel free to get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.