Tips on avoiding burnout at work

Rows of white mannequins

Burnout at work is not to be taken lightly. This isn't about simply having a bad day, or being stressed because something hasn't gone according to plan.

It's both physically and mentally exhausting, leaving you overwhelmed and emotionally drained—which will eventually lead to a lack of interest and motivation. Eventually is the key word here, because burnout is gradual—and you'll only burn out if you've been on fire in the first place. Burnout often happens to the most committed of workers. Here are some tips on avoiding burnout at work:

Take control

If you don't already have it, ask your boss if they are willing to give you more control over your role. Having a plan of action to control your working day makes potential hurdles easier to predict and more surmountable. Plotting out your tasks, projects and, ultimately, deadlines will allow you to manage your time more effectively. You can prioritise and as time goes on, you can plan further in advance—becoming more efficient into the bargain.

Learn to say "no" in a nice way

If you are overloaded, you need to prioritise and co-workers, managers and bosses need to know you have enough on your plate. Don't try to bite off more than you can chew. If you have lots of work on your desk, and are about to be burdened with more—push it back. A simple, "I'll certainly do that for you but I have A, B and C to finish first..." is a reasonable way to show those who asked that you already have a large workload.

Embrace downtime

Make time to relax on a daily basis. Taking five minutes out for a quick stroll, a bit of meditation or even a power nap will recharge the batteries and clear your head.

Read the full version of this article in Issue No. 4 of ALHAUS magazine—available now.

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