Expanding horizons in a new retail era
Hospitality consultant Theresa Quick examines an important emerging trend—the hotel lobby retail space.
“Savvy retailers are starting to break new ground when it comes to grabbing the attention of consumers”
If you’re the kind of person that views the hotel lobby as the place to check in and nothing more, it might be time to rethink those assumptions. As the unstoppable rise of online shopping continues and high street shops continue to close, savvy retailers are starting to break new ground when it comes to grabbing the attention of consumers.
We’ve all passed them by, those lonely, locked glass cases that lie neglected in the corners of even the most luxurious hotel lobbies. Often overlooked and under-utilised within hotels, retail is an extension of the overall experience of guests and a tangible expression of a hotel’s brand identity. With tourism on the rise around the world, the desire for inspirational products and unique souvenirs presents an immediate opportunity. As hospitality experts begin to think outside the box, building emerging retail spaces into their guest experience, what exactly do they need to ensure their offering gets five stars?
The full version of this article appears in Issue No. 2 of ALHAUS magazine.