Five ways fashion retailers can leverage social media to grow brand recognition

Image: Annie

Image: Annie


Fashion retail is a highly-competitive industry. So the most important component of success in fashion is brand recognition. If you are just starting out, you will need an affordable way to increase brand awareness. The most common strategy is to use social media. Social media is affordable and has a large audience reach. However, to truly engage your intended market, you need a targeted social media strategy. Here are five effective ways fashion retailers can leverage social media:

1. Stay active: The more active you are on your social media channels, the more you will increase brand awareness. You will also build brand loyalty because engaging your customers directly personalises your brand (Tenfold). Develop a posting calendar will help make sure you stay active. We recently published a blog with the ideal posting frequency for different social media platforms. This will give you a base guideline for your particular brand.

2. Provide customer service in real time: Provide an outstanding customer experience across all social media channels by replying to every social media mention. A good response rate is the best way to ensure customers are satisfied with your service. It also helps personalise your brand. 

3. Invest in video: It is an excellent way to build brand recognition in the fashion industry. Videos that showcase your products; offer behind the scenes tours; and feature your brand’s lifestyle generate excitement. All social media platforms now offer a way to share short videos. Remember that when you publish your videos, that you also include relevant hashtags so potential new customers can find your products. 

4. Utilise user-generated content: User-generated content is content developed by your customers. It acts as a word of mouth recommendation. When users advertise your brand by sharing photos of themselves wearing your items or posting their excitement over their new products, share their posts on your site. It’s free content; it builds brand loyalty; and shows potential customers the quality of your brand.

5. Consider investing in advertisements: Most social media channels offer some form of affordable advertising that can increase your conversion rates. Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest all offer a way for brands to direct sell on their platform. They also utilise analytics to target potential buyers on pay per click advertisements. 

All of these strategies are specifically beneficial to fashion retailers. For more ideas on how to use content to grow your fashion retail company, talk to the experts at ALHAUS. We can put together a comprehensive content management strategy to help you grow your brand and increase your conversion rates.