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How to choose the right content management system for your business

When you are first setting out to build a website for your business, one of the most important decisions you can make is which content management system (CMS) you will use.

A CMS is software that helps site administrators create and edit content without knowing any programming or markup languages.

The CMS you choose will have a long-term impact on your customer engagement, brand awareness, and revenue, so it is important to be as informed as possible before deciding.

The key features of a CMS

Different CMS offer different features. However, all CMS offer three key features:

1.    The ability to design, create, and manage website content including photos, copy, and other types of media.
2.    The ability to review and edit any content before online publication.
3.    Automated publishing.

Beyond these features, a CMS may also offer everything from template designs to scalable expansion to email marketing integration. How you pick a CMS boils down to your business needs. So start thinking both about your short term and your long term goals so that you can find a platform that offers the features you will need now and in the future.

Three basic things to consider when choosing a CMS

here are many things to take into consideration when choosing a CMS. The most important are:

1.    Ease of use
Most CMS offer user-friendly platforms, however some programs require more technical knowledge than others. Make sure you consider your skillset before deciding on a platform, that way you can use your CMS to its full potential.

2.    Design flexibility
When you are first building your business, you are also experimenting with your brand identity. In order to adapt to any brand changes or growth, it’s important to choose a site that’s easy to design and upgrade as your business develops.

3.    Third-party integration
A CMS will not do everything for your business online, you will need to find an option that interfaces with popular programs that can help you run your ecommerce, automate processes, and gather and track analytics (CMScritic). Look for CMS options that have API and developer tools so your CMS can scale with your business.

These are just the basic things you need to consider when choosing a CMS. As this is one of the most important decisions you will make for your online business presence, ALHAUS has decided to dedicate a series to helping you find the best CMS for your business. So make sure to subscribe to our blog for the next edition of this series on CMS.