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How to select a topic for your content

Image: Jon Nicholls

When putting together your content strategy, you have to decide on some topics.

No matter how niche your industry, there is a broad scope of topics you can choose to engage, inform, and entertain your audience; increase brand awareness; and improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

However, a truly effective content management strategy selects topics that have a return on investment and increases conversion rates. Rather than just picking topics based that simply incorporate keywords, develop your topics based on these considerations.

Choose an “evergreen” topic

One of the first considerations when choosing a topic for your content is that it will age well. Evergreen content is content that is always relevant to your industry and will be interesting for years to come. You can target market trends, but the bulk of your content should focus on topics that are authoritative, sustainable, and lasting. Evergreen topics help you maintain your search engine ranking, establish thought leadership in your industry, and provide your customers with the information about your brand they need to make an informed decision.

Narrow your focus to niche topics

Focusing solely on broad topics can lead to information overload or worse, skimming over the important details about your products and services that set you apart from your competition. When considering your topics, narrow your ideas down and break them up into very focused topics. Niche topics are a great way to reach a broader audience and they can help answer any questions they have in detail (Forbes).

Hit at the ideal stage of the sales funnel

Finally, consider topics within different stages of the sales funnel. Some visitors will be new to your brand and may need a basic overview of what products and services you offer. Others may know your brand but are deciding whether or not your products or services are right for them. Finally, some may be ready to make a decision but just need a little motivation to make a purchase. A comprehensive content management strategy includes topics for each of these stages. 

Choosing the right topics can really determine your brand identity, expand your business, and increase your conversion rates. Following these tips will help you come up with some great topics that bring a return on investment. At ALHAUS, we are experts in content management and can help review your topic ideas to make sure they support your all goals.