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Six strategies to grow the audience for your podcast

Podcasts are a great way to establish brand authority by positioning you as an industry expert. They help add personality to your brand and can answer important questions about your industry, products, and services. However, in order for a podcast to have a good return on time and investment, you will need to grow your audience. If you have decided to incorporate a podcast into your content management strategy, here are six ways you can start building your audience. 

1. Create a high-quality podcast: Quality is everything when it comes to podcasts. No one wants to listen to a podcast with a lot of background noise or low volume levels. So make sure you invest in the right gear to get started. Midi Lifestyle has a fantastic guide for everything you will need to record and publish your podcast (Midi Lifestyle).

2. Be consistent: Consistency is key with podcasts. Make sure to add new episodes on a routine basis. If you are consistent, people are more likely to subscribe and share your podcast on a regular basis. 

3. Focus on unique topics: Like all other forms of content, your podcasts need to add value for your listeners. Make sure that you focus on unique topics that are informative, entertaining, and reflective of your brand identity (TenFold). Unique topics will help you stand out amongst the competition.

4. Support your podcasts with supplemental content: When you publish a podcast, make sure to also supply some supplemental content such as a transcript, reading list, or even a message board where your listeners can ask questions. Supplemental content will not only help you to engage your listeners but also spread the word about your podcast.

5. Promote your podcasts on social media: Your social media followers want to hear from you, so promoting your podcast on your social media accounts is an easy way to start building your following. Make sure to include links so they can listen right away.

6. Invite industry influencers to contribute as guests: Having industry influencers as guests on your podcast has so many benefits. Industry influencers can help build your brand credibility, establish industry authority, and create opportunities for cross-promotion. Industry influencers also have a following of their own. By featuring them on your podcast, you will also tap into their audience. 

These six strategies will get you started on building your podcast audience. If you’d like to learn more about how to start a podcast, develop unique topics, and reach listeners, talk to the content management experts at ALHAUS. We can help you to develop your podcast strategy and ensure that it supports your larger content goals.