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Three reasons summer is the perfect time to launch a new blog

Image: Marco Verch

Business blogging is vital for successful marketing. Blogs help improve your SERP by utilising SEO. They also help establish your company as an industry thought leader, build brand awareness, and convert website traffic into sales. If your business does not currently have a blog, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. For most industries, summer is the slow season, so now is the perfect time to consider launching your business blog. 

Here are three reasons to launch your blog this summer:

1. You can publish at a high volume

Creating content for a blog can be time-consuming, especially for a smaller company. During the slower summer months, you will have more time and resources to dedicate to developing your blog. With more time you’ll be able to publish at a high volume, allowing you to catch up to your competitors that have been running a blog for years.

2. You can test your ideas

With the summer months being naturally slower, you can really test out your ideas. If you have an off-the-wall marketing strategy that you’ve always wanted to try but weren’t sure if it would work, now is the perfect time to test it. You’ll be able to really measure the efficacy of new strategies.

3. You’ll be ready for the busy Fall season

With the holidays, Fall tends to be the busiest time of year for most industries. Taking time in the summer to develop your blog will have you prepared for Fall (B2C). During the summer months, you can begin building a strong audience in time for Fall. Also, you’ll be able to develop enough content ahead of time that you can maintain a good publishing frequency during your busiest season. 

If you are ready to launch your blog, we can help. Our content management experts offer a variety of services that can help ensure your blog gets a high ROI. We can help with everything from developing content to planning publishing frequency to crafting an SEO strategy. Contact us now to learn how we can support your blog goals this summer!