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Turning content into cash – converting reader to customer

There is a saying that “content is king”, but so is cash, especially if you want your business to survive and thrive.  So how do you make your content work harder and bring in the cash? Obvious things like ensuring that your website downloads quickly, keeping your content current and updating it regularly are all essential but you need a strategy to really drive the sales.

Whilst it is not exactly child’s play, a good content marketing plan does involve your ABC’s.

Answer a Need

Basic consumer psychology shows that answering a need or solving a problem is the best way to get a potential customer to spend. If your item is not an essential, you need to create that need by making the buyer feel that their life will be better or that you are relieving a pain. Show the pleasure that will be gained by using your product or service or at least how an issue will be resolved. To do this you need to demonstrate how your product/service will impact on their lives. The best way to do this? 

Be a Storyteller

Show the benefits of your product or service through engaging content that creates the want, the need, the desire. Tell your story in a manner appropriate to the medium you are using. For example, a meme on Facebook, a Snapchat video, a carefully constructed tweet or a well-written article shared on LinkedIn. This will tell the story of your company, its ethos and more importantly the amazing difference you can make to your client’s life! Don’t forget to include an appropriate....

Call to Action

There is no point in engaging the whole world and them thinking you are the best company EVER if you don’t offer them a chance to buy what you are selling. Open the doors and welcome the money spending hordes in by enticing them to the sales page or at the very least providing a way for them to communicate to ask further questions. Get the conversation flowing and create an environment where they feel that you understand their needs and are willing to fulfil them. If you have any special offers or competitions, make them urgent! Set a time limit so that people act quickly and you can create a buzz that drives your sales. 

By following these tips, using monitoring and analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Twitter Lead Generation Cards or services such as Brand24, you can find your target audience, engage them and convert your content into cash. For more information and ideas on how to get your content working harder for you and grow your client base, get in touch with the expert team at ALHAUS.