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5 simple ways to improve your website content

By now, you likely have a good idea as to just how important standing out online is.

After all, your online content has a tremendous impact on your ability to spread your brand, engage with new and existing customers, and generally get the attention that you deserve.

But what does it take to get the right kind of online attention? One thing we’ve found that can’t be stressed enough is how important it is to create compelling, relevant, and overall excellent website content. The better your content, the better your brand identity online is and the better you are able to generate leads – and conversions.

How to build better content

But how do you actually build better content? There are several steps worth considering that can help you create much better content that you and your company will benefit from.

Here are five steps worth taking:

  1. Know your goals – Not only should you know what you’re trying to achieve, but you should know who you’re talking to. Do you really know your target audience and what they’re interested in? Pay attention to this in order to improve your online results.
  2. Value, not spam – Visitors aren’t going to keep coming back to your site or blog if it’s nothing but obvious spam and meaningless content. Instead, focus on creating valuable content that really matters to them. This will keep them coming back.
  3. Mix things up – Don’t just post big blocks of text. Focus on adding things like video and images to help improve the visual impact that your content has on those who visit your website.
  4. Format and edit – Good online formatting includes things like headlines, subheadings, bullet points, lists, and more. Add bold type for subheadings as well. This helps break up content and improve readability. And always ensure that your website content is properly edited, or you run the risk of looking far less than professional. This is also vital since roughly 60% of mobile users use their phones as their only method of online interaction. Therefore, better formatting is easier to read on smaller screens. (Source: Inmobi)
  5. Stay regular – This one is often overlooked in the process of creating compelling, meaningful content. But it’s vital that you stay current and consistent with your posts. Try to add at least one blog post weekly, and keep your main website updated consistently in order to keep yourself positioned as a leader in your field.

These five simple steps can help you in a big way, and are well worth paying attention to if you are serious about improving your online presence. At ALHAUS, we can help. Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your company.