How to speed up your content creation process


Learning how to speed up the process of content writing will save you time and money.  As you practise the following techniques, they will come easier to you.

Outline a content strategy using specific details a month in advance

Get your bearings before you start writing content. You need to know specifics about your target audience and have a clear path that reaches them deliberately. Trying to cater to every interest is going to leave your content without unique or personal appeal. A personal experience for your consumer will help them start to form a relationship with your brand. You’ll need to have a clear plan as to how you will help your audience connect with your brand through your content. Once you have a thought-out plan of execution, start preparing yourself with a month’s worth of material ideas. Even if you change your mind later on to adapt to a current trend, you can still use that idea in the future. You can take it even further by writing out the headline and subtitles you would want to use.

Think outside the box to build fresh content

It is advantageous to create new content. The fastest way to come up with ideas is to look outside of your industry to make a more personal connection with your target audience (Hubspot). You can give consumers a peek into what a day in your office is like. Walk around and take pictures of your work environment and include them as a visual aspect of your content. You could also bring in an industry expert and interview them. Get your readers to participate by asking them to submit their questions. 

Resist the urge to edit your work until it’s complete

As you are writing, you may want to edit or rewrite your content. Instead of editing as you go, allow yourself to continue your creative flow without interruption. Once you’ve finished, you can go back and work on anything you were questioning. However, it's okay to leave some sort of marker or highlight the areas you think you might need to reexamine. 

Mastering these tricks to help you write faster will prove to be useful throughout your career. Our content management experts have been practising these skills to achieve successful content writing quickly. Contact ALHAUS today to see how we can help you.