International accessibility news roundup


As digital technology becomes more important in our daily lives, issues with accessibility are highlighted. Despite all of the technological advancements, many people still have trouble accessing information online.

In order to promote the cause of accessibility and encourage businesses to think about accessibility when designing their content, we provide a monthly roundup of international accessibility news to track the latest advancements.

Following these advancements can guarantee that everyone can access and enjoy the valuable content on your website.

Here are the most important accessibility news stories for the month:

Milestone's Galexi™ CMS can now power ADA conforming sites (PR Web)

Milestone Internet Marketing Inc.

Milestone has created the the first CMS designed to help business in the hospitality industry develop ADA compliant website. The CEO of Milestone, Anil Aggarwal believes that “Catering to those with disabilities is not just a mandate of the law, it’s the right thing to do and it makes good business sense.” The software release is perfectly timed after a recent increase of lawsuits against businesses that do not provide conformity.

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Access is everything (The Hindu Business Line)

Nirmita Narsimhan

Internet accessibility in crucial in India where millions of people cannot use technology to complete important everyday transactions. With technology comes the ability to offer more accessibility to people, but many businesses are not implementing protocols to provide accessibility. To reach all of the people in India businesses should follow the standards set by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines when developing their websites and smartphone apps so everyone can access the information equally.

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Retailers should start preparing for website accessibility class actions: Careful, your website is showing! (National Law Review)

Kate S. Gold, Michael P. Daly, Bradley J. Andreozzi, Alexis Burgess

Recently there have been a wave of lawsuits against American businesses that do not provide accessibility. Even though the accessibility standards will not be determined until 2018 by the Department of Justice, businesses should start implementing accessibility protocols now. There are several proposed ADA regulations businesses can start using right away to make sure they are offering the same level of service to all their clients.

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New ADA Lawsuits Target Businesses (Inside Counsel)

Anastasia Protopapadakis

Recently there have been a wave of lawsuits filed by the ADA against American businesses because they do not offer accessibility standards. These standards can be found in Title III of the ADA and businesses should implement them on both their websites and smartphone apps immediately to avoid lawsuits. 

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That’s it for this month’s accessibility roundup. To learn more about how accessibility impacts you and tips for implementing accessibility standards, subscribe to the ALHAUS blog for regular updates.