Never overlook your contact us page for better web content


Web content is one of the single most important aspects of a business’ overall marketing and branding strategy. However, it’s surprising just how many people fail to appreciate how all of the different elements come together to create the right kind of online presence.

One of the most important content elements that is often overlooked is the 'Contact Us' page of a website.

The reason is simple – this is where you are able to turn a visit to your website into a conversion. It’s how you generate revenue, how you connect with users, and how you attract them back to you over and over again.

The top elements for a good contact us page

So just what makes up a good ‘contact us’ page, exactly? A few key elements stand out as being important to add. These include the following.

  • It should tell your visitors just why they need to contact you – explain what you offer and why it’s important to get in touch.
  • Use a simple form with basic fields that can be filled out quickly. This makes it easy for the visitor to connect with you.
  • Include your email address and phone number in case they prefer to contact you in those ways, and so they don’t have to dig through multiple pages to find that info.
  • Try to link to your social media pages like Facebook or LinkedIn. This gives visitors a way to quickly engage with you on some level and adds a layer of personal connectivity.
  • Thank them for their time and interest in connecting with you – a redirect page that does this is a great element to add once they’ve sent their contact info.

Most will spend weeks perfecting things like the homepage or blog, but few give any attention to the “Contact Us” page. In fact, your contact page is one of the most important aspects of your website, and deserves your attention to get the best results.

Making your website the best it can be is important, and you need to pay attention to all aspects of it – including your contact page. At ALHAUS, we can help so contact us today to find out more about our services and what we can do for you.