Seven ways to repurpose your older content


You put a lot of time and effort into creating and publishing your content, so you need to make sure you are getting a high return from your efforts.

Repurposing your older content can help you create new and exciting ways to engage your audience while also saving time; expanding brand awareness; and improving brand consistency; and getting the most out of what you know works.

Here are some clever ways to repurpose your old website content:

1.    Create an email drip: An email drip can pique the interests of your readers and get them to come back to your website. Start by breaking up some of your old posts and offer your readers the highlights, while inviting them to learn more on your website.

2.    Make an infographic: Infographics are a great way disseminate a lot of information quickly and are easily shared. Take one of your most popular posts and break it into a fun and engaging infographic. Don’t worry if you aren’t a graphic designer, there are a lot of easy to use tools to create beautiful infographics (Huffington Post).

3.    Host a webinar: Webinars allow you to have a conversation with your audience. Taking some of your older content and turning it into an educational presentation can provide an attractive way for your audience to learn more about your brand, products and services, and your industry. 

4.    Record a podcast: Podcasts are growing in popularity. This gives you the chance to reach people who are on the go and put a human face on your brand. Taking some of your most viewed posts and expanding on them, adding a Q&A session, or providing a discussion can help you reach more people and provide more value to your audience.

5.    Tell a social media story: Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook all provide an outlet to tell a serial story. Break up your posts into segments and release them either daily or weekly into a full story. As people watch and share the posts, you will get more viewers ready for the next episode. 

6.    Compile posts into an eBook: If you have a lot of popular posts that fit within a single topic, you should consider turning them into an eBook. eBooks allow you to really delve into your brand and establish thought leadership in your industry. 

7.    Create a series: Look back through your old content and see what posts are really popular. Then take those older topics and expand on them by creating a series. Simply retool the original blog to be the first post, then expand on the topic and create a few more posts. This will encourage blog subscriptions and help you expand into the niche interests of your readers. 

If you are looking for some new ideas for content, take a moment and revisit some of your older content. There are many ways to repurpose your older content and keep some of your most popular topics going. If you want more content ideas, contact the content management professionals at ALHAUS. We can help you develop a really effective strategy for getting the most out of your content.