The future of web content management


It’s no big secret that businesses have to have a strong web presence in order to thrive in the modern marketplace. But while good web content management is vital for your success, what about the future of the industry?

The only way to stay relevant is to stay on top of trends and developments, which is why it’s so vital to pay attention to the future of WCM as well as the present.

The future is coming fast

Simply put, technology evolves so quickly that the future is practically here before you know it. According to some of the most recent data from “Research And Markets”, the WCM market is going to grow in a big way:

  1. The WCM market will grow from $3.47 billion to $6.85 billion by the end of 2020
  2. Investing in WCM is the priority for 60% of tech, marketing, and business leaders
  3. The annual growth rate for the WCM market is projected to be 14.5% through 2020

While that’s great news for those in the web content industry, what does it mean to businesses who rely on content management companies to handle their online presence? Essentially, that more businesses than ever will be using content management services to get the results that they’re looking for. This in turn means that in order to stand out, you’ll have to keep your own content up to date and on the cutting edge.

A different approach

The key to success in the future lies in adopting a different approach to the WCM industry. Instead of looking at web content as just a kind of online billboard, it’s time to consider content systems that understand your needs as well as allowing you to provide what your customer is looking for. Delivering experiences between a business and their customers is the new focus in WCM, and as a result it’s vital that you pay attention to these aspects of your chosen content management system.

New tools are going to make it easier. With online ‘drag and drop’ website creation sites and options like social kiosks becoming more and more popular, it’s important that you combine your own capabilities with advice from the professionals.

Contact us for more information or advice on WCM matters. As online editors, we're 'super users' of many content management systems and we'd be happy to share our experience with you.