Why you should make mobile content a priority


In today’s fast-paced world, more consumers are ditching their computers to access their favourite websites.

Nowadays, the smartphone and tablet are the devices of choice when spending time online.

It’s easy for consumers to spend a few moments online on their train commute to work or as they wait for an appointment. Ignoring this trend by keeping your content more computer-friendly means that you’ll lose out on reaching a larger audience because rest assured, your competitors are going mobile. Beyond just reaching your audience, there are other reasons to optimise your content for mobile:

  • Google penalties: Google is now punishing companies that don’t provide any mobile content by demoting them to lower search rankings (Forbes). These penalties only going to get more strict over time.
  • Social media: Platforms like Facebook have recognised the power of catering to mobile devices and have made it easier to reach mobile customers with their ad platforms. It’s an easy adjustment that only takes a few minutes.
  • Virtual reality: New developments like virtual reality open up a whole new way to reach your audience. Your content can become engaging and interactive.
  • Repetition: While mobile devices are on the rise, some still use a desktop and laptop for casual web browsing. Creating content that caters to all means of Internet access is a great way to get your company visibility in more ways than one.
  • Cost effective: Advertising space isn’t going to get any less expensive. It’s better to start making mobile content now while prices are still reasonable to get started.
  • It’s intimate: Browsing on a mobile device is more intimate and personal than the traditional desktop. Connecting with your audience is easier to do when you’re help in their hand. The physical connection can help make your content more relatable.

There are several ways to incorporate mobile content in your strategy planning. You can create a subdomain specifically for mobile phones that will direct users to your mobile site when they access your main website. SMS and MMS messaging are a great way to get your audience to look at your content faster without the worry of having you message misinterpreted for spam. Mobile apps, coupons, and campaign ads are also great ways to connect with your audience. Read more about how to optimise your mobile content on our blog. Then if you still have questions about optimising your content for mobile, you can always contact the friendly experts at ALHAUS to help get you started.