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Demographics vs. consumer intent - what works?

Relying on demographics alone is considered a risk in today's mobile-centric world.

The long-trusted method of identifying potential customers has been overshadowed by technology - and mobile technology in particular.  Recent research from Google states that in today’s digital age where almost every hand holds a smartphone ready to search for and instantly gratify any requirement, consumer intent is far more powerful than demographics.

This is because demographics don't focus on what customers are looking for in an exact moment and where they are looking to find it. For example, not all purchasers of games are young men between 18 and 34; not all purchasers of baby products are parents. They’re called micro-moments and understanding consumer intent and how to reach consumers through micro-moments is critical to the success of all your web and social media communications. 

And when you’ve made sure that consumers can find you via search and identified how to make sure that you’re listed in the search results no matter who the consumer or what their intent, you need to ask yourself.  Are we giving them what they're looking for?

Offering useful information will attract more consumers–and some you never intended to target.

In the end, everything comes back around to content quality. Offer useful, informative content and in those intent-fuelled micro-moments, the consumer will find you.

Get in touch with us or follow us via ALHAUS on LinkedIn and @AlhausGroup on Twitter to explore new possibilities for your online marketing campaigns and print media publications. Our expertise as content specialists and publishers ensures that you can expect inventive ideas when you ask us for advice and a rapid response to making your publications, website and social media work better for you.