Five characteristics of great copywriters


Last month, we talked about the characteristics of great copywriting, but what about the writers who produce it? What skills does a person need to cultivate to become an excellent copywriter? What characteristics should your business look for when hiring a copywriter?

Copywriting requires more than just a mastery of the written language; copywriters also have to be able to connect your audience to your brand.

In our experience, great copywriters are:

1.    Curious: A great copywriter loves to learn and has a natural curiosity about the world (Hubspot). Copywriters are expected to be subject-matter experts, but many do not have the educational background. In order for a copywriter to write authentic, informative content, they have to be inquisitive and love to research in order to gain the knowledge they need.    

2.    Knowledgeable: Though they may not have subject matter expertise, copywriters do need to be knowledgeable about the market and how to speak to a variety of different audiences. Great copywriters are able to adapt to the language and vernacular or any audience and effectively communicate the brand.  

3.    Persistent: Writers are often required to go through several revisions and proofs, before landing on the perfect piece of copy. Great copywriters aren’t afraid to take on the challenge of creating multiple iterations of their copy for their clients. In addition, if campaigns fall flat, copywriters have to be able to brush off failures and learn from their mistakes to improve their copy strategy.

4.    Storytellers: Great copy creates a story for the audience. It incorporates products, services and brands into the everyday lives of its customers. A great copywriter can tell a relatable, enriching story that captures the imagination of the audience so they connect with the company. 

5.    Creative: Creativity is essential for coming up with fresh ideas for all new copy. Whether a copywriter is creating a visionary company slogan or managing a daily a blog, they need to be masters at creative wordplay; content subject ideation; and grabbing attention with strong headlines and compelling conclusions. 

Many of these skills are innate to the copywriter’s personality, but all of them can be cultivated over time. So whether you are looking to hire a copywriter or improve your copywriting skills, consider developing these characteristics. ALHAUS can also help. We offer a variety of services that can both help copywriters master these skills and ensure that your business has the copy that works for your intended audience.