Six strategies for effective newsjacking


Newsjacking is a content strategy to inject your brand into trending news stories.

It helps you stay relevant in your industry; improves your search engine ranking; and drives traffic to your website. Here are some tips on how to use newsjacking to help grow your brand:

1. Be conscientious: Make sure that when you are choosing a news story, that you are aware of the full extent of the story. Making light of the wrong news story can kill a brand. So really think about the angle you are going to take and make sure that you are being conscientious of your impact.
2. Timeliness is key: You want to hit the story right as it begins to trend. One of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the latest news when it drops is to set up news alerts with Google with the important topics in your industry. You can set up news alerts on Google’s Alert page found here (Google).

3. Stay relevant: Stick to topics that have a direct impact on your business or your customers and align with your brand values.

4. Approach the story from a unique angle: Really think about how the story impacts your industry and present it through your company’s unique voice.

5. Answer questions: Newsjacking is most effective when you are doing more than just reporting on the story. Make sure that you answer any relevant questions to your industry and share your expert opinions and insights on the impact.

6. Be willing to pass on a story: Not every news story in your industry will be optimal for newsjacking. So use a critical eye and only focus on stories that will truly build your brand authority. It’s simple, if something doesn’t feel right for your brand, pass on it.

You can create relevant and accurate content when exciting news breaks in your industry if you follow these tips. For more ideas for effective newsjacking or how to find and incorporate the latest trending topics into your content, contact ALHAUS. Our content experts can ensure that all your content helps build your brand recognition and positions you as an industry thought leader.