Using the three types of editing to guarantee quality content


Creating great content is half writing, half editing.

Editing ensures that your content is easy to read, covers everything you need to say, and is grammatically correct.

There are three types of editing: Content editing, copy editing, and proofreading. All three will help ensure that the content you publish is always high quality and engages your readers. Here is how to use the three types of editing to produce quality content:

Content editing helps develop your ideas

The first type of editing you should start with is content editing. It starts with reviewing your aims, your ideal readers, and your topic clarity. Content editing ensures that you’ve hit all your key points and covered all the important and relevant details. Next, you will review your narrative voice to ensure it is consistent and authoritative. Finally, you will rework areas where your content isn’t clear, remove any unnecessary parts and redundancies, and expand on subtopics that need more information.

Copyediting guarantees readability

The next type of editing is copyediting. Copyediting focuses on the structure of your content and ensures that it is readable while the flow of ideas is natural. During the copyediting process, you may reorganise your topics, add subheadings and bullet points, and make other layout changes to improve readability. You will also look for continuity errors, fact check, and tie up any loose ends. Copyediting makes sure that your content is easy to read and understand.

Proofreading perfects grammar

The final phase of editing is proofreading. Proofreading is the most mechanical form of editing. Proofreading focuses only on your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It fixes typos, misspellings, syntax, and other grammatical errors. Proofreading ensures that you are properly using language to convey your ideas. It gives your content authority and makes it easier to read and translate. If you aren’t a grammar expert, here are some tips to help you proofread your content (Quick and Dirty Tips).

Editing is a really important part of the content creation process and requires all three types of editing. If you are looking for editorial help at any phase of the editing process, ALHAUS can help. We offer all three styles of content editing for any type of content you need to create, from eBooks to blog posts to social media statements. Contact us today to learn how our editorial services can help you guarantee quality content.