Surviving SEO updates: How to measure, gauge and make allowances for them


Google is always updating its algorithm to improve the results of search engine queries.

However, with recent developments like Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s webspam team leaving the company and the latest issues with the fake news controversy, these updates are no longer being communicated regularly (Search Engine Land). Without these updates, webmasters and SEO experts are left on their own to assess if fluctuations in their website traffic are a result of updates to Google’s algorithms. In order to navigate the new update system, you will need to measure, gauge, and make allowances for sudden updates in Google’s algorithm.

Track the recent updates

First, make a timeline of recent updates. Once you have a timeline of these updates, go to your dashboard and look for any changes to your website traffic. Keep in mind normal fluctuations that may not be a result of the changes to the algorithm like industry slow periods or a lack of new content. You really want to look for any variations from outside of your normal traffic patterns.

Understand the recent updates

For the most part, the recent updates should not diverge from Google’s standard metrics for search engine rankings. They still evaluate sites based on quality content and links. However, understanding the specifics of these updates can help you understand what, if anything, on your website is receiving a penalty. Search Engine Land has a great overview of the recent Google algorithm updates to help you identify if there are any changes you need to make to your content.

Modify your content

Once you understand the updates and where they may have impacted your traffic, you will want to make any necessary changes to your website content to ensure it is compliant. Fortunately, if you are creating high-quality content and avoiding things like too many advertisements, you likely will not be impacted by Google’s updates. However, if you find that you have been penalised, it is easy to course correct if you track and understand the updates.

Navigating Google updates can be a real challenge. ALHAUS can help. Our content management experts can test your website; make sure your SEO is relevant and compliant; and help put together a long-term content strategy to keep you on track. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you survive SEO updates.