Why you need a pillar page


When putting together your content strategy for your website, you should consider incorporating a pillar page. This will help improve your site architecture, help Google find related content, and improve your search engine ranking.

It also makes it simple for your potential customers to learn more about your products and services by creating an overview of a specific topic with an easy to navigate starting point for more in-depth understanding.

What is a pillar page?

A pillar page uses a topic model cluster to provide a broad overview of a topic with more specific pieces of cluster content hyperlinked. This page takes advantage of SEO best practices and includes the core topic in the page title, address, and headline tag (Hubspot). They can be created for every one of your key topics and will contain links to subpages, blogs, and other supplemental information that contains more specific content. This method helps make it easy for both customers and search engines to navigate your page, leading to both more conversions and higher rankings.

What are topic model clusters?

Topic model clusters are a great way to organise and strategise your content. It starts with a broad topic, a key function of your business, and from there you branch out into the various subtopics that support the core topic. By creating topic model clusters you can easily plan your content and also ensure that you are answering every potential question your clients have about your business.

How to create a pillar page

To create a pillar page, you must first outline your topic model clusters. If you already have a lot of content on your website, review it and place each topic into categories and subcategories. If you are just starting out, think about the key functions, products, and services offered by your business—those will be your topics. From there you can then determine the subtopics that are relevant. Next, you will create a webpage for each topic and write a broad overview of the topic and link the sub-points. There are many ways to design a pillar page, so just think about what style fits best with your brand.

If you need help developing your topic clusters or creating content to hyperlink from your pillar page, ALHAUS can help. Our content management experts can help you review your business, come up with an effective series of pillar pages, and refine your SEO. Contact us today to learn more!