20 email newsletter ideas to jumpstart the new year


Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to communicate with your followers.

However, it can be hard to come up with fresh ideas every week to keep your readers engaged. If you’ve never done an email campaign before, 2018 is a great year to begin. Check out these tips; tools; and technologies that can help you get started (Tenfold). Here is a list of 20 newsletter ideas to kick off the New Year on the right foot:

1.    Have the CEO or an industry influencer write a personalised thank you letter to your subscribers;

2.    Do a roundup of your best content from 2017;

3.    Create a year-in-review of the hottest industry news from 2017;

4.    Highlight your successes; developments; and milestones from 2017 and before;

5.    Communicate what lessons your business learned in 2017;

6.    Feature your hottest selling products and services from 2017;

7.    Showcase the results of any charitable or community efforts from 2017;

8.    Spotlight a customer's success story or testimonial from 2017;

9.    Offer a Q&A of the most frequently asked questions from 2017;

10.    Invite your readers to take a poll or survey to rate your 2017 performance;

11.    Share your company’s 2018 goals;

12.    Offer to help your readers reach their New Year’s goals or resolutions;

13.    Announce what new products and services are coming in 2018;

14.    Ask your readers what products and services they’d like to see in 2018;

15.    Predict the latest industry trends coming in 2018;

16.    Offer a teaser for new content like an upcoming podcast, webinar, or video series;

17.    Invite your readers to an industry event;

18.    Provide a coupon or discount code for the New Year;

19.    Host a product or service giveaway;

20.    Kickoff a new campaign that will feature a product, service, or customer of the week or month

Once you have your New Year’s email newsletters planned, don’t forget to layout your editorial calendar for the rest of the year. If you are looking for more engaging email newsletter ideas to guarantee a high ROI this year, ALHAUS can help. Our content management experts can help you plan your editorial calendar; create unique and exciting content; and keep your click open rates high. Contact us to learn how we can help your business have the best year to date!