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Demographics vs. consumer intent - what works?

The long-trusted method of identifying potential customers has been overshadowed by technology - and mobile technology in particular.  Recent research from Google states that in today’s digital age where almost every hand holds a smartphone ready to search for and instantly gratify any requirement, consumer intent is far more powerful than demographics.

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Responsive design is not enough

By this time, we are all aware of the new Google algorithm updates brought about to reward “mobile-friendly” sites in searches carried out from mobile devices. In announcing the updates, Google told us that they prefer a site to have one website, not two separate websites, for what is basically the same content.

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Good writing should be invisible

When a well-known fast food restaurant chain subverted its own well-established ‘you got it!’ slogan for a television advertising campaign, morphing it into ‘you don’t got it!’, there was a howl of anguish from grammatically-concerned viewers. The slogan was not a mistake. It was, arguably, a clever subversion. 

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Client focus: Fáilte Ireland

Fáilte Ireland is Ireland’s National Tourism Development Authority, dedicated to supporting the Irish tourism industry and promoting Ireland as a tourism destination.They provide a range of practical business supports to help tourism businesses to develop and market their products and services.

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Good copy is as important as good design

Everybody knows what designers do. They are artists, trained to take a brief from a client and use their talent and imagination to create a visual representation of an idea or concept. These visual elements form an important — and vital — aspect of a organisation’s brand: who doesn’t recognise the Nike swoosh or the red and white branding of Coca Cola?

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